Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Oracle’s Arthur Barnes: The evolution of cybersecurity & solving the challenge of hiring the right team
In this episode of the Future of Security Operations podcast, Thomas interviews Arthur Barnes, Senior Director of Security Operations at Oracle – the world’s largest database management company.
Arthur is an experienced cybersecurity leader with 20 years of experience, having previously worked at Pearson, Dell, and M&S. He contributed to the ENISA Cloud Procurement Guidelines, which is a practical guide aimed at the procurement and governance of cloud services, and is currently completing an MBA in Business Administration and Management.
Topics include:
- Arthur’s journey from working within government, consulting, and the private sector and how he found his way into the security space.
- How security has evolved over the last 10 years, including the main challenges faced by cybersecurity leaders and their teams.
- Solving the challenge of hiring the right people and how to identify the best candidates during the interview process.
- What Arthur has learned about what it takes to be a leader and how to identify good candidates for promotion to leadership positions.
- Approaching and dealing with mental health concerns for people working in cybersecurity.
- Reducing time spent on repetitive tasks and helping teams outside of the security organization to automate tasks.
- Cases of forensic investigations that became story-worthy.
- Arthur’s number one piece of advice for those leading security teams today.
- What security teams might look like in five years’ time.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arthurbarnes/?originalSubdomain=uk